According to the New York Times the Casa Verdi Rest Home for Musicians in Milan is home to 60 former professional musicians and 16 music students.

Completed in 1899, the building was originally built for musicians who found themselves living in poverty in old age. Run by the Giuseppe Verdi Foundation, today most of its residents are composers, conductors, singers, orchestral players and music teachers from around the world who simply want to continue their love affair with music.

The home is funded by investments made with the royalties from Verdi’s operas which covers their room, board and medical treatment, plus access to concerts, music rooms, 15 pianos, a large organ, harps and even drum sets.

Residents pay on a sliding scale according to their means.

The home also has another source of funds. In 1998, it decided to open its doors to music students who pay a low rent and share meals with the older musicians, an arrangement that has benefited both.

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