Most old people believe that it may be a normal thing to become depressed as they get older.  It isn’t the ageing itself that causes the depression and the anxiety, they are common conditions and thankfully, there are effective treatments available.

Statistics from the ‘Beyond Blue’ website state that 10 to 15% of aged people experience depression and anxiety and, most older people are more hesitant to ask for help.

There is a variety of treatment, health professionals and services to help.  Finding treatment to suit an individual can take time and patience and, after seeking advice, they can find a treatment that they are comfortable with.

Some behavioural symptoms of depression are:

  • General slowing down or restlessness
  • Neglect of responsibilities and self-care
  • Withdrawing from family and friends
  • Decline in day-to-day ability to function, being confused, worried and agitated
  • Inability to find pleasure in any activity
  • Difficulty getting motivated in the morning
  • Behaving out of character
  • Denial of depressive feelings as a defence mechanism

Sometimes it might be that we just have to remind our loved ones that it's ok to put their hands up and ask for help.

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