Your availability of funds will determine whether you are eligible for a Standard Care or Extra Service facility.  It would be wise to ask the facility manager about alternative ways to manage facility fees.

A Standard Care facility delivers care without providing extra services while an Extra Service Care facility delivers standard care along with extra services such as wine on offer with meals,  a la’ carte menus, single rooms with ensuites or adjoining bathrooms, hairdressing and comprehensive activity programs with Diversional Therapists.

Many facilities offer Low Care or High Care support, although some facilities may offer both levels of care.

What costs are associated with Aged Care Placement?
Costs associated with living in an aged care home are either determined by the Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing or, in the case of Extra Service Charges and Accommodation bonds; are governed through legislation (The Aged Care Act).

Standard Care
A Basic Daily Care fee applies to all homes which is determined by the Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing and is based on whether you or your loved one is a pensioner or self funded retiree.

An Accommodation Charge may apply based on your assets and is determined by the Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing following your asset determination by Centrelink.

Income Tested Fees may also apply again determined by the Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing and is calculated according to the amount of income you may receive apart from a pension if applicable.

Standard facilities do not charge a bond for their rooms which means there are no other charges other than those listed above. Extra Service Facilities however charge a bond for their rooms and an Extra Service Fee that is additional to the Daily Care Fee. These costs vary in our facilities.

Extra Service Care
All charges in Extra Service homes relate to accommodation services, not to the care being delivered.
Accommodation Bond.

An Accommodation Bond is charged for extra service homes. The bond that you pay is held by the provider and accumulated interest is used to continually improve our homes and services. The Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing have stringent rules governing how all bond monies are used and to ensure timely refunding of the bond at the appropriate time.

A small monthly deduction is made from the accommodation bond but this is for a maximum period of 5 years.  When you leave the home, the balance of the bond is refunded back to the resident’s bank account or estate. Bond refunds cannot be refunded to family members or any other person.

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