Video Description

The Best 30 Years Episode 2 - We designed five programs for both ageing Australians and their families to learn and discuss what it is to age all the way up to 100+, and what accommodation and services exist to support you to achieve your best 30 years.

We interviewed over 80 older Australians on their journeys across 22 locations, between Harvey Bay in Queensland and St Kilda in Melbourne, plus over 20 ageing experts. We thank them for their participation.

We are and Our role is to support you to achieve your Best 30 years with better information for better outcomes.

The second episode went to air on 9GEM nationally Saturday 29th October at 1 PM.

The five programs explain the “why” of:

Ageing from 50 to 100
Land lease communities
Retirement villages
Home care
Residential care

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