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Four easy tips to get on top of your superannuation 

Do you know how much superannuation you have saved up? You should: according to research, people who know their exact balances are more likely to be in a high-performing super fund. A survey by UMR for Industry Super Australia has found that just 26% of…


Don’t suffer elder abuse in silence – get legal help 

With an estimated one in six older Australians experiencing elder abuse in 2021, including financial abuse, it’s important to be aware of your rights – and where to get help if you need it. Tragically, most perpetrators of elder financial abuse are family members like…


Even a little exercise can help your health in a big way 

Want to exercise more, but can’t commit to long sessions? Good news – a study has shown that even short, intense workouts can substantially reduce the risk of premature death. The research from University of Sydney and UCL recruited more than 25,000 participants with an…


Green thumbs up for retired Queensland horticulturalist  

If you’re ever up in Ipswich and want to know about the plants in your garden, Bruce Tinworth of Carinity’s Elim Estate retirement village is your man. Bruce (pictured right with Costa Georgiadis, host of ABC’s Gardening Australia) is Carinity Elim Estate’s resident native flora…